Bullfighting is illegal in Barcelona, but every Sunday they have a bullfight here followed by a protest.

look at this pic very closely. red paint? or blood?

Sagrada Familia, Gaudi's masterpiece. He created this because he was a devout Catholic and many people were begining to lose interest in the church, he wanted to create a church which would bring interest and bring people together. He anticipated that it would take 200 years to finish. While building the church he became a hermit and began living inside of it, until the day he was hit by a tram car. He was old and no one recognized him so they took him to a local hospital where he waited for 3 days and died because people thought he was a homeless person and no one knew it was the famous Gaudi. He was buried with the plans of his church. Later on some Anarchists tried to burn down the church, but its stone and you cant burn stone, but they destroyed all of Gaudis plans and diagrams. Many years later, in the 60s, another architect realized that Gaudi was buried with a full diagram of the church, so they dug him up and found the diagrams and were able to continue his work. Projected due date is 2026, the 100 year anniversary of his death.
1 comment:
omg blood...it better belong to the bulls
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